Archive for April, 2006

Uninspired Job Search – The nicest “Fuck You” letter ever

Thursday, April 27th, 2006

I thought I had found the perfect job for me. It was at a company that makes biotech software – stuff like protein modelling software and drug discovery software. This was the perfect fusion of my science education and my software QA career. (more…)


Wednesday, April 26th, 2006

I haven’t told you the entire story about my demise at work. It can be summed up in a simple word: MUCK.

MUCK (actual word has been changed to protect the innocent) is a new style of “dextrous” software development that allows the owners of a company to make more money in less time with less people. “The Holy Grail” if you will.

MUCK is named after a poker term that means “a discarded hand” (analogy changed to protect the guilty). (more…)

Goal Scoring Superstitions

Wednesday, April 26th, 2006

This is the most reliable superstition we’ve developed. It has to do with hubby. It is well researched and very consistent. Whenever he leaves the room, if a hockey game is on TV, someone will score a goal. I swear it is true!!! And I don’t mean because he left the room for 30 minutes. I mean when he leaves the room for 3 minutes. We use this during the playoffs. If the team we are rooting for is in their attacking zone…he leaves the room. Sadly, this year we are rooting for opposing teams.

Uninspired Spring Break – Last Day

Wednesday, April 26th, 2006

The last day of our spring break, Mom and I just lounged around the pool. We were happy, exhausted, and about as uninspired as two princesses could be.

This, however, is not the end of my uninspired vacation. The “vacation” goes until I get another job. There is more of this uninspirational tale to tell, and there will be many more adventures to come…

Uninspired Spring Break – Day 7 – Part II: In the Pink

Saturday, April 22nd, 2006

This was our last evening at Disney World and we wanted to make it big. We wanted to make it Disney Big. The Disneyest of Disney Big evenings. Obviously, this means a Princesses Dinner. That’s right, you read correctly. A PrincessES dinner – plural.

Hicks in Trucks

Saturday, April 22nd, 2006

Why is it, no matter where I go (city or country, north or south, American or International, hill or dale), there is some hick in a pick-up truck who will cat-call at me when I’m walking down the street?

Group Participation Required Category

Saturday, April 22nd, 2006

Excerpt from the book: Take a Load off Your Heart by Joeseph C. Piscatella and Barry A. Franklin Ph.D.: “We’ve known that negative emotions, particularly depression, significantly increase the risk of developing heart disease while lowering long-term survival of cardiac patients. But new studies suggest that pessimistic people, “negative thinkers” who worry over trivial, everyday events, are four times more likely to have a heart attack than more positive thinkers. In addition, people who become easily worried over small problems and who continually bottle up their distress are far more likely to die during a heart attack than people who handle stress more easily and express their emotions openly.”

I am certainly more inclined to remember the negative things people say about me, (oh, for intance, when they fire me), than the positive things they say. Therefore, this thread has been created to document the positive things I hear about myself so that I can remember them and refer to them when I’m dwelling on the negative. This, should be very good for my heart, both literally and figuratively.

If you don’t have a blog of your own, feel free to document the positive things you hear about yourself here too. NO NEGATIVITY ALLOWED. It may be as good for your heart as a bowl of oatmeal, a fish oil pill, or 10 push-ups.

The Chiefs

Saturday, April 22nd, 2006

This morning Hubby and I watched an entertaining documentary called The Chiefs. While watching we realized, the only thing more exciting than a goalie fight, is a back-up goalie fight!!

Uninspired Spring Break – Day 7 – Part I: Feeling Blue

Friday, April 14th, 2006

The plan for Day 7 was to go to Animal Kingdom. This was a much anticipated plan because we had never been to Animal Kingdom.

We got up early and were on the bus by 9 AM. Since it was Thursday, it was much busier. It seems the “long-weekend vactioner” traffic had begun. We got into the park and the first thing we saw was, in true Disney style, a souvenir kiosk. But this was no ordinary kiosk. This kiosk was filled with Eeyores! And these were no ordinary Eeyores. They were dressed in safari gear!! But wait…there is more…their tails were velcroed on, so they could come off (off course they had the trademark nail and bow)!!

Flashback to 1975:

Uninspired Quiz 2

Wednesday, April 5th, 2006

Are you uninspired?