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Excerpt from the book: Take a Load off Your Heart by Joeseph C. Piscatella and Barry A. Franklin Ph.D.: “We’ve known that negative emotions, particularly depression, significantly increase the risk of developing heart disease while lowering long-term survival of cardiac patients. But new studies suggest that pessimistic people, “negative thinkers” who worry over trivial, everyday events, are four times more likely to have a heart attack than more positive thinkers. In addition, people who become easily worried over small problems and who continually bottle up their distress are far more likely to die during a heart attack than people who handle stress more easily and express their emotions openly.”

I am certainly more inclined to remember the negative things people say about me, (oh, for intance, when they fire me), than the positive things they say. Therefore, this thread has been created to document the positive things I hear about myself so that I can remember them and refer to them when I’m dwelling on the negative. This, should be very good for my heart, both literally and figuratively.

If you don’t have a blog of your own, feel free to document the positive things you hear about yourself here too. NO NEGATIVITY ALLOWED. It may be as good for your heart as a bowl of oatmeal, a fish oil pill, or 10 push-ups.

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