Still Alive!

August 15th, 2007

Yes, I am still alive and have quite a few things to write about. My writing time has been derailed a bit this year by unexpected family issues – as you may have noticed from the various “In Memory Of…” posts.

I have several unfinished posts in the works. More lucky folks have escaped from “The Company,” but not without scars. I also want to shout out to a few brave people – one who just started a new job slightly out of her comfort zone but with great opportunities and another who is leaving a miserable job and taking a month off just for herself!

The honeymoon with my new job is over. I’m still in the mostly happy ‘newlywed’ stage of the relationship, but the new job definitely has some undesirable characteristics. As a result, I’ve learned a few new things to ask about in future interviews — let’s just say exploring the evils of billable hours and how a company goes about staffing its projects can be a great way to analyze a company’s communication and decision-making processes. I’ve read some books recently that have interesting management ideas I’d like to share.

Finally, I have sipped a few great gin drinks during the dog-days of summer. So stay-tuned… Lots more posts to follow.

In Memory of Grandma

June 18th, 2007

My Grandmother died a few weeks ago. Grandma and Me
While on the airplane, I jotted down a few of my memories of her.

When I think of Grandma I think of summers in Oregon. Sleeping in her “hobby” room that was stacked with paintings and sewing projects and the lovely orchids she propagated. I remember her handmade (and handpicked)
berry pies, learning to sew, toodling around in her yellow Gremlin which in my young mind was the coolest car ever!

I remember her bright red hair and pretty smile. She could name every Oregon wildflower that grew by the side of the road, and I tested her often on this as we drove to golf tournaments in Coos Bay, Bend or Klamath Falls.

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Is it unprofessional to impersonate a zucchini at work?

June 18th, 2007

Somewhere between South East 52nd Street and South West First Street the lid slipped off of the container of my delectable and healthy home-made vegetable soup.

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Memorial for Lois J.

May 24th, 2007

“Crazy” Aunt Lois died last week.Aunt Lois

I have two Aunt Loises. This Aunt Lois was a diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic, therefore unofficially dubbed “Crazy Aunt Lois.” Mom decided that wasn’t very nice, so we officially dubbed her “Lois J.” to differentiate between the two Aunts.

Anyhow, my family doesn’t handle mental illness well and pretty much resented her existence. They decided not to have a memorial for her. I guess she is going to be cremated, but I don’t know what will happen to her remains.

I like Crazy Aunt Lois. She was a daily part of my life for many years. Even though I haven’t seen her for years, I think of her often. This is my memorial to her.

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An Uninspired Poem

May 22nd, 2007

Corporate Job

fired / booted / canned / got the chop / got the axe / terminated / dismissed / laid-off / discharged / pink-slipped / sacked / downsized / let go / dehired / re-deployed

moved on to other opportunities

souless / inhumane / greedy / ass-kissing / arrogant / thoughtless / spineless / control-freak / micro-manager / petty / insecure / manipulative / political

climbing to the top on the backs of others

lively / learned / happy / fulfilled / valued / priorities-straight / wiser / healthier / skinnier / richer

without you

Let them eat cake!

May 21st, 2007

The Company held decapitation day earlier this year, and this time the CEOs grabbed the ax themselves, bloodied their hands a little and lopped off the head of their own executioner.

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A Newbie’s Report – the personal version – part 2

May 18th, 2007

Here are the things that I left out of the article I wrote for my company’s newsletter. I left them out because I was trying to be professional…

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A Newbie’s Report – the personal version – part 1

May 16th, 2007

I was actually in Las Vegas primarily to be on-call for my Grandparents (the G’s) while Mom went on vacation. I G-sat Wednesday-Sunday, then attended the NCTA conference (see previous post) Monday and Tuesday.

It was an exhausting week of pure culture shock jumping between the highly oxygenated, slow-paced halls of the assisted living facility, to the smokey casino floors and Armani clad businessmen who populate the cable TV industry – not to mention a brief time-travel back to high-school curfews.

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A Newbie’s Report from the 2007 NCTA Expo Floor

May 14th, 2007

I just attended a work-related tradeshow, the National Cable and Telecommunications Association show, in Las Vegas. I was asked to write an article for the company newsletter. A reprint of that article follows. This is the professional version of my report – the personal version will follow in a separate post.


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Uninspired Anniversary

May 12th, 2007

Well, it has been about a year since that fateful day I was fired, my work-related trip was cancelled but I went anyway, and Uninspired was born. Believe it or not, I just returend from a work-related tradeshow. Here is what is different a year later:

1) I am happy in my job (which has comparable pay and better benefits than the job I was fired from)

2) I like my boss.

3) I am getting the opportunity to learn new things at work.

4) My company trusts me enough to let me set my own schedule, decide how to go about doing the work I am assigned, share company information with me with a minimum of up-the-ass smoke blowing.

5) I work with balanced people with normal egos, respect for their co-workers, who can have conversations and question things without getting all threatened and twitchy.

It is amazing what can happen in a year!!