Archive for the ‘Hired and Uninspired’ Category

Work vs Day-Time TV: Confessions of a TV junkie

Sunday, July 16th, 2006

I mentioned a quote in my first Hired and Unispired post, “The human race is faced with a cruel choice: work or daytime television. (Unknown).”

Daytime TV wins hands-down over work. Every time.

Frankly, folks, daytime TV isn’t nearly as bad as work. Here is my uninspired daytime TV schedule.

Mom, this fracture’s for you.

Friday, July 14th, 2006

My second week of work as a “permanent” employee, I broke my foot. I broke my foot as a favor to my Mom.


Why I’ve been gone so long.

Thursday, July 13th, 2006


It has been quite awhile since my last post. This is because I am back among the hired!
Here are few uninspired quotes describing my newest state of uninspired being. The quotes are brought to you by . There will be more about how these quotes apply to me, personally, so read on dear friends, read on:

“The human race is faced with a cruel choice: work or daytime television.” Unknown

“What is life but a series of inspired follies? The difficulty is to find them to do. Never lose a chance: it doesn’t come every day.” George Bernard Shaw (1856 – 1950), Pygmalion, Act 2
I thought I had an appetite for destruction, but all I wanted was a club sandwich. Matt Groening (1954 – ), The Simpsons