Archive for March, 2006

A little about me, computers, and plumbing.

Friday, March 24th, 2006

I work in software quality assurance. I work hard in what is often considered an uninspiring job. In fact, this is my chosen career – not a stepping stone on the path to something else. I love QA. I think I’m a pretty good employee. Let me give you an example of a memorable 15 minutes out of one of my work-days in 2006:

I walk into the QA lab and am bombarded by questions. Tester A cannot get the Palm OS software installed on his OSX machine. Tester B cannot get his OSX machine to connect to the Windows 2003 server and Tester C informs me that one of the toilets in the women’s restroom is continuously flushing.

I instruct Tester A to log in as an admin, dig down to a certain file that the Palm OS installs, and see if it is locked. If it is, unlock it, delete it, then try to re-install the Palm OS. He begins this.

I ask Tester B if Microsoft UAM is installed on his system. He says “no,” so I show him where to get it, instruct him to install it, then try to connect to the server.

I tell tester C to go to the women’s restroom and flush one of the other toilets that isn’t continuously flushing.

It all came together in a glorious Hollywood movie kind of way. Just as Tester B successfully connected to the server, Tester A exclaimed “I can’t believe it; I’ve got the Palm working,” and Tester C dashed into the room to breathlessly inform me that my idea had worked and how did I know how to fix the continuously flushing toilet.

“Genius, my dear, genius,” I replied.


Friday, March 24th, 2006

I was fired on Monday. That is why this story is uninspired.

Disclaimer: If you find that my story resembles your experiences in any way, it is only because it is a story of universal truths. All names have been changed to protect the innocent and the guilty – except in instances where I’ve visited an exceptional location during my vacation.

Today is Friday and, as I mentioned, I was fired on Monday. I’ll need to go back in time a little bit now and then, to give you a glimpse of what led to my uninspired journey. I’ll try to be clear about where in time each post fits. Read on, if you truly want to be uninspired.