Vote with your Feet

Well, today is Election Day in the good old U.S.A. I just dropped my ballot in the box, and I also dropped my two weeks notice in my boss’ in-box.

As I jokingly told a co-worker, jobs are like relationships. I had a fully committed 4 and 1/2 year, living together kind of relationship with The Company. Then The Company joined the cult of MUCK and wanted to go all polygymist on me – and I wasn’t going to be first wife either. Since I wouldn’t drink the ‘special’ fruit punch with them, our relationship was severed (even though I begged and pleaded for a conversation before they threw me out on the street).

My current-soon to be ex-job is my transition relationship. Sure, I went for the risky job that had the cool haircut and bad-boy attitude. We had some hot dates and played around, but when it was time to get seriously passionate about things – the job just couldn’t commit. The job was kinda’ a ‘player,’ you know?

Now that I’ve got that out of my system, and I’ve learned a few key things, I’ve started keeping my eye out for single, attractive, steady, and thoughtful jobs. Last week, I met a job that seems like it could be ‘the one.’ I’m taking it slow, though. No expectations, no quick attachments, no allowing myself to be abused because I think I owe the job anything it throws at me. This time, I’m going to learn, enjoy, be slow, be professional – be me. It looks like that might work out with this job. Wish me luck!

Oh and no matter what is going on in your life – your vote counts. If people in this country stop putting up with disrespectful relationships – no matter if it is a personal relationship, a job, your government – the folks in charge might start to learn that they can’t continue down the path of arrogance and greed that is often associated with America. Participate in your relationships, try to constructively resolve problems in your relationships, and if the other side doesn’t budge, putting the fault all on you, taking no responsibility for themselves, continuing to value money and power over all else, vote the bastards out of your life!

One Response to “Vote with your Feet”

  1. uninspired says:

    Ahhh…my Father the comedian. I told him I’m starting a new job in two weeks and he said “Geez, you change jobs as often as I change wives.” At least his comment is consistent with my analogy!

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