
I went on an interesting hike over the trails of the Internet recently. Each of these websites discusses values I’d like to incorporate more into my work and personal life.

I started at the Take Back Your Time Day page. I subscribe to their newletter, so I was checking that out. (I recommed the Take Back Your Time book, it is a thought provoking read.)

That led me to the Simple Living America site which led me to the Simple Living with Wanda Urbanska site. I watched her episode clips and found them interesting – especially the ones on alternate energy sources, living in small homes, and the Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter Special. This lead me to check out The Carter Center website. I have a long and well-known history of a deep love of Jimmy Carter. I was a kid when he was President, and now I think I was drawn to him and his family because of their simpleness (Simple does not = dumb, by the way. By simpleness I mean they did not seem to have an unquenchable thirst for power and money.) and sincerity. I think they really were more like “the people” of America and not just pretending to be “everyday Joe” clearing the brush at the ranch while making money hand over fist from corporate America.

Additionally, the Take Back Your Time page led me to the AFLCIO website that has published the results of a 2006 survey of working women. The results are interesting, and I suspect the concerns outlined in the results apply to working men in 2006 as well.

This was a good walk through the web. It made me feel like maybe I can make some personal changes to my lifestyle that will make me happier and that also might trickle up to make a difference in my community. I left my computer with a little hope that how individuals spend their time and money does matter, and maybe we can still use our time and money to influence our leaders and the corporations they currently represent.

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